Jovan Vidić
After more than ten years of being a part of the IT industry, I can say that I have always loved my job and that it has always kept me going. What I value is cooperation and readiness to contribute, and what I am convinced in is that knowledge is there to be shared and available to everyone.The first time I experienced a leadership position in a team was at the age of 24. Since then, one of my guiding principles in both life and business has been enhancing learning. The other has been working together with my team and supporting them to grow and continuously improve.Giving everyone an equal chance to excel is one of the things I am strongly passionate about, as I am a hopeless believer in humankind and better tomorrow. I have founded “Agile Coaching Serbia” group hoping that everyone should have a chance to share ideas, experiences and knowledge.
Poslednje objave od autora: Jovan Vidić
- Koliko kila agilnosti ste kupili ove godine? - новембар 6, 2018
- Gde su nestale zanatlije? - децембар 22, 2016
- Agile Coaching Serbia – Zajednica koja nije na prodaju - октобар 24, 2016
Slični tekstovi
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